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Imperial College London & Royal College of Art

Innovation Design Engineering -November 2018


Experimental Design

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Spectrum of awkwardness

Our experimental design process began with the stimulus of people having a spectrum of awkwardness as our 'key insight'. The task was to come up with a product/service/system for this particular insight.

So, we started by asking

-Where is the line between awkwardness and humiliation in this spectrum? 

-Is there a silver lining in this spectrum?

Mind Maps

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What can be amplified?

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Awkwardness can lead to more hygienic living, this is the silver lining we were after. We came up with Hygienelot as an idea for the future of pay-as-you-go toilets.

Main Feature

-Pay at the exit instead of entrance.

-Receive a receipt of your usage.

-Pay according to the mess you make. Exit without paying if you leave a clean cubicle OR get in a queue to pay the price of your messy cubicle.

Other Features -Related to awkwardness-

-Instead of conventional door locks interactive door interface shows whether the cubicle is occupied or not.

-More sounds from cubicles to make people feel more comfortable about the sounds they are making.

Building Process



System Design

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Interactive Door Interface

Copyright © 2018 by Beren KAYALI

All rights reserved.


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